What We Believe / Who We Are

Welcome to St. John Lutheran Church

What We Believe:

100_0593We accept the Old and New Testaments as the revealed Word of God, verbally inspired and inerrant, and the only source and standard of truth. We accept the confessional writings of the Book of Concord, arising out of the 16th century Lutheran Reformation, as true and faithful witnesses to the Word of God. These confessions include the three historic creeds of the Church, Dr. Martin Luther’s Small and Large Catechisms, the Augsburg Confessions, and others.

Based upon Scripture, we believe in the one true and triune God. God the Father loves the people of the world so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to live WITH us as Immanuel (“God with us”) and to live FOR us as our representative. As true man, Jesus lived a sinless life for us, then suffered and died on the cross to pay for the sins of the world. He was raised from the dead by the Father and the Spirit and lives to reign eternally.

John 3:1-17 The Gospel in a Scallop Shell

The same Spirit who raised Jesus also calls us to new life in Him. Through the powerful Word of God in Baptism, by the ongoing proclamation of God’s Word, and by the nourishment of Holy Communion, the Spirit gives, sustains, and completes our faith. Salvation, and the faith by which we receive it, are gifts to us for which we can take no credit – it is by grace we are saved.

As Christians, we remain both saint (holy in God’s sight in His forgiveness) and sinner (still struggling against our fallen nature) so long as we live in this world. We are not promised a trouble-free life once we become Christians, but actually have the additional cross to bear of the world’s scorn, because of our association with Christ. Yet we have the present assurance that we are God’s both now and forever, giving us a deeper joy which the world cannot destroy.

We practice what is known as Close Communion.

Click here for selected scriptural references

Who We Are:

100_0607We have over 600 members, including nearly 500 communicant members and over 100 members Baptized but not yet confirmed.

Many of our members live in rural areas and are involved in agriculturally related activities. However, many members also work or live in surrounding communities including Napoleon, Wauseon, Liberty Center, Pettisville, and Archbold.

What We Do:

We provide worship opportunities in our building where, not only can we approach God, but more importantly, God can approach the hearts of people through the Word and the Sacraments so that He may bring people to Himself. God feeds and strengthens believers in their faith and life before Him. The church also provides Christian fellowship for believers. The Pastor of the church counsels and guides the members with the Word of God.100_0594

Activities within St. John include the Adult Choir, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Women of Freedom, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Booster Club, PTL, Lutheran Youth Fellowship and Adult Handbell Choir.

Support is also given to various organizations including our Synod, the Lutheran Laymen’s League, Concordia College in Ann Arbor, Concordia Seminary in Fort Wayne, Lutheran World Relief, Morning Meditation, and many others.

Our School:

Perhaps our biggest outreach is our Parochial day school program. St. John Lutheran Church supports a school with nearly 60 students. Education is provided for grades kindergarten through eighth. Teachers for grades one through eight instruct two grade levels each. Also serving our school part-time are a cook, librarian, teacher’s aide, a remedial reading instructor, computer instructor, and music director.

Students participate in a wide variety of activities at St. John Lutheran School. Music programs include student choirs, a bell choir, Christmas program, and operettas. Athletic activities in which students may participate include cross-country, volleyball, football, and basketball.

Contact Information:

You are welcome to attend services each Sunday at 9:00am with Bible Class and Sunday School following. We are located in Northwest Ohio at the corner of Henry County Roads U and 16. Map available

We currently have a vacancy and are in the process of calling a new pastor. You may contact the church office at 419-598-8961. In case of a pastoral emergency call Rev. Charles Kramer at 567-277-1339.

Our principal is Tracy Germann. You may contact her at the school office, 419-598-8702, or by E-mail at: tgermann@sjl.org.

Our Church/School Secretary, Joyce Wiechers, may be reached at our school office, 419-598-8702, or by E-mail at jwiechers@sjl.org.

Webmaster E-mail: chipster22@centurylink.net